Friday 13 August 2010


A man walks over to where his companion is sitting and takes a seat opposite him.

Adjusting his tie he speaks:

-I am proposing a new form of fiction. One that is entirely concept based.

Man 2 looks at him.


He replies


Man 1 continues.

-As a society haven't we moved beyond the base notions of cause and effect? Do we really require a character to have a revelation to get to the concepts underneath? Or any characterisation what so ever?

Man 2 again looks at Man 1.


He replies.

Man 1

-Therefore, I propose that we merely present the concept itself. There will be no unecessary character devolopment, no tedious description but instead the short precise deriptions of pure idea.



Man 2 utters a small but audible sigh and then responds,

- But that's ridiculous. There;s a reason that stories develop the way they do. It's in our very nature to be interested in things that have a beginning, middle and end. It's how our memory works, what separates us from animals. In fact you must have heard the truism that there are only 7 basic stories.... etc. etc.


Man 2 looks at Man 1 over his previously unmentioned glasses and replies,

Righto, But didn't Borges pretty much do that already? And B.S. Johnson spent his whole life railing against the novel.


Man 2 gets up and says


and with that Man 2 exits the scene never to be seen again.