Tuesday, 16 August 2011


Gary stared out of his window, the sun was setting on his pool and the birds were singing their evening song. It had been a strange day, all in all. Brad and Becky had finally put their problems behind them and kissed dramatically at the line dancing championship; He had found out that Big John was his father and had been his secret benefactor; Jesse got his big break in New York AND Little Jimmy looked liked he's finally found love with Maria the pool girl.
So much for just one day. Gary's head was spinning.
There was a noise from behind Gary. He turned his head to see who was there; was it Tia, fresh from the discovery she wasn't pregnant? No his wall appeared to be caving in. Actually, it was just sliding in. Gary never knew he had a panel there. He went back to investigate.
Gingerly pressing the cave in on his magnolia walls, Gary wondered what had happened? Had the contractors put a piece of weak board in? It seemed very regular for an accident. It was all a moot point as the panel began to slide away.
A grey creature, more like a salamander than anything else, revealed itself.
"Y'alright Gary?"
Gary was dumbstruck. After today's events this was too much take.
"Yoo hoo, are you ok, mate?" the creature asked Gary.
Gary stared at the thing's spotted skin, his jaw hanging agape. Eventually he said, "E-excuse me?"
The creature laughed.
"Oh, so you are with us then. Listen I'll make this quick but you're being cancelled, we only thought it right to let you know."
Gary's jaw continued to dangle freely. He picked it up for a second,
"Excuse me?"
The creature smiled, "You. Mate. You're being cancelled."
Gary, shook his head and screwed up his face,
"What do you mean? And what are you are?" he demanded.
The creature flicked it's second sets of eyelids up and down.
"Ok, you, as in Gary, are being cancelled, as in, we're not putting you on air any more, as in see you in the repeats, as in no seventh series"
Gary was bewildered.
"But I'm not a TV series... I'm a... I'm a man"
The salamander looked pleased, "Course you are, mate, course you are."
It took a deep breath and continued,
"The network's decided to finish meta, have me come through your wall and announce your cancellation. Be a bit of a water cooler moment, one last spike in the ratings."
"So I'm... cancelled." said Gary.
"Thats' right!" said the creature. "Glad you're getting to grips with it. One last thing, can you make sure you're looking wistfully out of the window as the sun finally sets? The bosses are pretty particular about the final shot"
With that, the salamander pulled shut it's panel, leaving the wall as seamless as it had been before.
Gary ran his hands across the wall and, feeling nothing, began to knock it with his fists. Solid. Solid as it had ever been.
Gary paced around the room for a few minutes. What had all that been about? Had he imagined it?
Eventually he settled back at his window and gazed out. It had been a hot day and what with Brad and Becky and his father and everything he hadn't been drinking much water. That was it. Now that he thought of it he had a whole life time to catch up with his... dad.
Gary stared wistfully out of the window. Just before the sun finally went down he was sure he could here faint music drifting in in...