She paused and tapped the table with her pen.
What did he want her to answer? She hated these stupid bloody tests - he always said:
"Be honest - that's the best possible answer"
and she used to believe him. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
And then he had used the answers.
So she changed what she said and put a little cross in the box opposite to how she felt.
He had said he knew she was lying.
She put the pen her mouth and sucked the end. Now she didn't know what to do.
The five familiar boxes were staring up at her.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
She stared at the white page for a while. The other questions were sitting neatly on the paper waiting for her attention. They all seemed so abstract - as if the page were just a picture of something, the marks having no more meaning than a tiger's stripes.
She smiled and she realised what she needed to do.
Taking the pen of her mouth she set about colouring in all the boxes. It was quite beautiful really.