"Now in the future", the Professor explained, "they've found out that everyone has one talent that is unique to them and them alone."
"Oh yes?" I said, stifling a yawn. I was sure they had turned up the heat from my last visit.
"Could I have a biscuit?"
"Help your self, dear chap," the Professor shuffled in his seat.
"You see, they find your DNA and encoded in it is this information. Apparently some type of giant computer works it out. Now I never got to properly discuss the philosophical implications of it but apparently there's 3 schools of thought about it."
The professor paused to drink his tea. I dunked a biscuit into mine. They always made the tea how the Professor liked it, far far too milky. I was going to have a word with them next time.
The professor slurped, put his cup down and continued.
"Now you see the first school of thought said it was the proof of existence of god, the second that it was just a quirk of nature, something to do with humanity's extreme adaptability and the third were merely miffed that their... that their talents were so useless! haha!"
My biscuit had broken off in the cup. Great. I'd have to talk to them about that as well.
"Oh?" I said in way of response.
"Yes, you see the man who did me, terribly nice chap, said it turns out he would be the world's greatest twenty-a-side mile-long-pitch football player, or something similar, exact physiology for it apparently. Except he said that no one would ever want to play a sport like that, of course.
"Now he also showed me that some people believed that their purpose was to use their talents . They had a kind of tv show for performing their talents, forget what it was called, it wasn't that popular. The clip I saw had a man eating a freshly ploughed field. Took him days apparently."
The Professor grinned and looked me in the eye. Leaning forward he placed his hand on my knee.
"As for my talent, well..." he laughed "well, best to keep some things to yourself."
and with this he sat back in his chair.
"Shall we get some more tea?" he asked.
"Actually I'll see to that" I replied and raised myself out of my chair.